Software Architecture (SOLID) & Design Patterns in Java - Udemy - İnglizce - Holczer Balazs - Udemy

 Holczer Balzacs'ın SOLID ve Design Patternlerı kısa ve yeterince açıklayıcı şekilde, Java kodlarıyla anlattığı kursa buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Software Architecture (SOLID) & Design Patterns in Java

understand SOLID principles
understand the core of design patterns
undertand object oriented design
understand the single responsibility principle
understand the open / closed principle
understand the Liskov substitution principle
understand the interface segregation principle
understand the dependency inversion principle
understand creational design patterns (singleton pattern, factory pattern, builder pattern and prototype pattern)
understand behavioral design patterns (strategy pattern, command pattern, visitor pattern and template pattern)
understand structural design patterns (adapter pattern, facade pattern and decorator pattern)

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